How to create video on a budget – part three: making it quick and simple

Smartphone set up as video camera on a tripod.

In part three of our series on creating video on a budget, we look at the third big secret to excellent content: making your video quick and simple.

Don’t underestimate simplicity. It’s a beautiful thing – and a powerful tool for winning customers. Also, ‘short’ really is sweet when busy people don’t have time for ‘long’. A quick, simple video is easier for you to make and for your customers to watch. People consume content more quickly than you may think – and appreciate you getting straight to the point.

Another obvious reason for shooting shorter videos is that it gives you time to create more. When you’re building your business, you need to get yourself known by generating content regularly. Producing multiple, quick, simple videos will reach more viewers than making one long one.

Four rules for producing quick and simple video content:

1. Make sure your content delivers value to your audience. This could be free advice or top tips – or it could be entertaining them and making them laugh.

2. Focus on one goal and one key message per video. Single bite-size concepts are easier for viewers to absorb, especially if customers are new to your brand. And people are far more likely to take action when presented with something simple.

3. Make your videos short and easy to view. Busy viewers will engage more if you get your message across quickly (and they’re more likely to click through to find out more).

4. Keep putting video content out there regularly. If you’re seen to be posting frequently, even if your viewing figures aren’t high initially, people will be more likely to work with you.

Did you catch our other two articles in this ‘How to create video on a budget’ series? If not, do read part one and part two.


This article was inspired by one of our Zoom Dives with Kim Slade, founder of Touch Video Academy.

Zoom Dives are deep-delving discussions between our founder, Carolyn Dailey and handpicked business experts from the creative world. You can listen to Carolyn’s and Kim’s full discussion here.

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