Zoom Dive Recordings | Creative leaders: what qualities make a creative entrepreneur great?

Inspirational quote notebook with glasses atop.

Why do some creative entrepreneurs reach the dizzying heights of success while others struggle even to get their businesses off the ground? A major factor is having the right mindset and a particular set of personal qualities…

One person who knows all about what makes a creative entrepreneur great is Jade Tomlin, founder of Creative Adventur.es, a journal series that explores the fascinating stories behind some of the most successful modern founders of our time. In our recent Zoom Dive, Jade shared with us her experience of interviewing cultural innovators to unpick the characteristics and qualities they have in common.

If you missed this Zoom Dive session, don’t worry; it’s now on Soundcloud for you to listen to at your leisure.

Tune in below to hear:

  • Why drive, passion and patience are vital for creative entrepreneurs.
  • Why successful founders have a hustle mentality.
  • How being a perfectionist can hinder your progress.
  • Why you’ll need to develop a ‘forever learning’ mindset.
  • How, thanks to today’s innovations and technologies, everyone can reinvent themselves and carve out the kind of work they desire and believe in.
  • Why you shouldn’t be afraid to change direction if needed.
  • About the power of saying ‘yes’.
  • Real-life creative entrepreneur success stories.
  • About Jade’s journey to become a creative business founder.


Zoom Dives are insightful one-to-one conversations between our founder, Carolyn Dailey, and experts and founders from the creative industries. Each session delves into an important topic creative entrepreneurs need to know about to build, grow and scale their creative businesses. Browse our Events calendar to book your free place on our next Zoom Dive event.