How-To Guide | Write compelling copy for your creative business

Flat lay desktop with keyboard, pen and notepad on yellow background.

Ever walked past a billboard and done a double-take at its message? Then you’ll have witnessed the power of compelling copy. 

Copywriting is a skill. That’s why some talented writers can make it their full-time business. But if you’re a creative entrepreneur in the early stages of your business journey, you may not have the funds to hire an expert to do it for you. In which case, it pays to learn about the art of crafting compelling copy.

This article explores the power of words and how you can use them to create an emotional connection with your audience. You’ll also get tips and techniques on writing marketing copy for your business.

The power of words

Words aren’t just a necessity for communication. They can connect with people and influence thoughts, emotions and actions. Even a single sentence can tell a story and stir emotions. Take Ernest Hemingway’s genius six-word story: For sale: baby shoes, never worn. Its brevity conveys a wealth of emotion and leads to several interpretations.

Whether you need to create copy for your mission statement, website, email marketing campaign or social media post, the words you choose can touch, educate and persuade. So, how do you get started? Consider the following…

Know your audience and purpose

Whatever piece of copy you’re writing, ask yourself who will be reading it. For example, if you’re a visual artist creating a website to showcase your work, think about who will be viewing it—e.g., art collectors, gallery owners and curators. Next, try to understand their interests and pain points to help you create copy that resonates with them.

Have a clear goal for your copy before you begin writing it. Do you want your copy to sell, educate, or inspire?

Tell a story

We humans love a good story—after all, stories are embedded into many of us from childhood. Storytelling can help deepen your connection with your audience and take them on a journey. Let’s say Mike is a piano teacher who wants to attract new clients through a Facebook post. He explains the benefits of learning piano by telling a story:

The look on her face will stay with me forever.

Last week, one of my students played Pachelbel’s Canon in D all the way through for the first time without making a single mistake. As the final note rang out, she looked at me with happy tears in her eyes. It was her late mother’s favourite piece of music—and a longtime dream of hers to honour her mother by playing it.

That moment? It’s why I teach. Learning to play the piano isn’t just about music. It’s about patience and determination and discovering what you’re capable of. 

Could learning the piano give you a life-altering moment? 

Start your journey with me (and get your first lesson free).

Much more effective than a sales pitch with a list of bulleted benefits, right?

Use the right tone of voice

The language you use in copywriting will shape how people perceive your brand. Do you want your brand voice to be seen as professional or casual? Playful or serious? Witty or plain-speaking?

Once you’ve decided, ensure you consistently use your tone of voice in everything you write across all communication channels. This will help you build your brand identity—and gain trust with your audience.

Practice punchy writing

So you know your audience and the purpose of the copy. You know what story you want to tell. But how do you actually write compelling copy? Follow the tips and techniques below.

  • Avoid fluff: be inspired by Hemingway and say more with fewer words. Forget filler words, adverbs like ‘really’ and long-winded descriptions.
  • Write in an active voice: it’s clearer, more direct and will make your copy more engaging than a passive voice.
  • Start with a hook: you only have a few seconds to grab your audience’s attention. Create strong headlines and opening lines to entice readers to keep reading.
  • Create urgency: tell your audience what action they should take after reading with a persuasive call-to-action (CTA).
  • Use power words: here’s a great big list that’ll help keep your readers’ eyes from glazing over.
  • Read it aloud: this will help you see whether your content flows naturally. Tip: if you can’t speak what you’ve written without taking a breath, it’s too long.
  • Edit ruthlessly: the tighter and clearer your message, the more it will resonate.

The art of crafting compelling copy

Writing compelling copy for your creative business is about more than just filling space with words—it’s about connecting with your audience emotionally and guiding them toward action. It’s a bit like creating art in that you’ll want to experiment with and refine your copy—and keep that meaningful connection with your audience in mind.

Whether you’re putting your website together or showcasing your services on social media, your copy should reflect the passion and purpose behind your work. By understanding your audience, telling a story, using the right tone of voice, and practising punchy writing, you can create messages that attract attention and inspire loyalty.

Going down the DIY route in other areas of your creative business? Check out how to run your own PR campaign on a budget or this DIY guide to personal branding. Before you go, subscribe to our newsletter to be alerted about new articles like this.