What is the role of a coach? Essentially, they support you in your quest for outward success that reflects your innermost calling. Here’s how working with a good coach can help you find your niche, your voice, your ‘why’ and lots more…
Through active listening, a coach can draw out areas that make you come alive – and reflect these back to you to help you develop a personal brand that’s aligned with your values. A coach can help you identify what’s dearest to your heart (which may be hidden from your own awareness by contradictory or sabotaging thoughts). In this way, they can be a ‘mirror of truth’ to help you get clear about your direction.
Find your ‘why’
As an entrepreneur, it’s important to understand the ‘why’ behind your work. So a coach may help you identify the biggest challenges you’ve faced and the scariest dragons you’ve slain to get to where you are today. You may not realise the extent to which life’s tests have shaped you into the unique human being that you are. That’s why a coach will ask about defining moments, hurdles you’ve overcome, principles you’ve always stood by, etc. Even if your passion has gotten a bit lost or compromised along the way, a coach can help you rediscover your raison d’être.
Find your niche
Do you ever have a sense there’s a hole in the world you need to fill – a fundamental problem you yearn to mend? A coach may look for your ‘yearning intelligence’, in other words, your longing to be of service. Once you get in touch with a pain or difficulty that your tribe is experiencing, there’s a wonderful intersection between their problem and your vocational calling. If you can modify your offering to fit the needs of your tribe (aka your customers) without losing the essence of what you love to do – then you’ve hit that sweet spot and found your niche in the world.