Carolyn Dailey’s Interview With CULTURED Magazine

Carolyn Dailey sat down with ‘CULTURED’ to discuss her debut book, “The Creative Entrepreneur” and unpack the myths that hold entrepreneurs back, the urgent need for business-savvy role models in the arts, and why, in an era increasingly shaped by A.I., human imagination remains the gold standard.

Here are some highlights from her interview.

On the need for role models for Creative Entrepreneurs:

“From within the creative sector, “business” remains a dirty word, “commercial success” is shunned as “selling out,” and “entrepreneur” tends to carry negative connotations of tech-bros or cigar-smoking superyacht owners. From outside of the creative sector, the stereotype endures that those within it are starving artists and not to be taken seriously when it comes to business. This has created a huge misunderstanding, resulting in a gaping hole in support for people building creative businesses and careers.”

On the bit of advice from “The Creative Entrepreneur” Carolyn wished she had known when she were starting her own career:

“Patience! Understanding that often things take longer than you might think and failures come along the way––that’s normal. Just keep aiming for your north star and making course corrections as you learn without putting unrealistic time pressure on the process.”

On the rise of AI:

“As we look to a future where A.I. becomes more ubiquitous, the uniquely human quality of creativity becomes more and more invaluable. So it’s critical that we find ways to strengthen and amplify it—and its business potential—even more boldly.”

You can read the full interview on CULTURED Magazine here.