Zoom Dive Recordings | The secrets to building an exceptional customer experience in 2024

Round happy face among sad faces. Customer satisfaction concept.

Getting customers is one thing. Keeping them is something else entirely. How can you build meaningful connections with your audience so they convert into loyal customers who return to your creative business time after time?

The answer lies in creating a memorable and outstanding customer experience from the very first interaction someone has with your business. Brand consultant Kerry Knight joined us for a recent Zoom Dive to unpick this topic and share a plethora of tips around customer conversion and retention. Through her role as director at Brand Reputation Agency, Kerry helps businesses build their brand, protect their reputation and develop rewarding customer relationships.

Listen to Kerry’s Zoom Dive recording to hear:

  • About Kerry’s background as a brand consultant.
  • How to take customers through a journey from attraction and conversion to retention and beyond.
  • How to generate true value for clients or customers and proactively meet their needs.
  • Crucial relationship-building strategies to help forge iron-clad customer connections.
  • The importance of brand ambassadors – and how to recruit them.
  • How to strengthen your brand and diversify your offering.
  • Not to mention lots of tips and techniques for excellent PR.


Zoom Dives are fascinating and insightful conversations between our founder, Carolyn Dailey, and creative industry experts and founders. Each FREE virtual event explores essential topics creative entrepreneurs need to know about to build and grow their creative businesses. Browse our Events calendar to register for upcoming Zoom Dives!