Zoom Dive Recordings | How to master Google Analytics for your creative business website

Google Analytics in search engine results on mobile phone

A website is an essential marketing tool – your own dedicated corner of the web where you can showcase your products or services and establish credibility with your target audience. And it really comes into its own once you know how visitors are engaging with your website content.

Web analytics gives you access to tons of valuable data to help you better understand who is visiting your website and what they’re looking for. Such insights can help you improve your content and make decisions that’ll help grow your business. One powerful (and free) web analytics tool is Google Analytics.

We had a brilliant Zoom Dive conversation with Dimitris Zotos, a digital marketing professional and web analytics expert, about why creative entrepreneurs should embrace Google Analytics and how to get the most value from it. We recorded our discussion, and it’s now available on Soundcloud.

Listen to our Zoom Dive recording to learn:

  • Why Google Analytics is essential for your creative business website.
  • How to install Google Analytics on your site.
  • The most important Google Analytics reports to monitor (and how to read them).
  • What terms like ‘bounce rate’, ‘sessions’ and ‘user retention’ mean.
  • What Google Search Console is and how to use it.
  • The best free resources and training that’ll turn you into a Google Analytics pro.
  • And more!

Even if you’re familiar with Google Analytics, you’ll find this Zoom Dive recording helpful since it covers the brand-new, recently updated version of the platform.


Zoom Dive events are deep-dive conversations between Creative Entrepreneurs founder, Carolyn Dailey, and hand-selected business experts and entrepreneurs from the creative industries. Each session contains hints and tips to help you grow your creative business. Check out our Events calendar to discover our upcoming Zoom Dives.